Wednesday, 3 November 2010

The Products That Have Changed My Skin

Hello Blogworld!

As you saw in the title, I have found the products that I currently feel like I want to use FOREVER! I will be adding another product to this routine in the coming week that I have had a tester of, so I will let you know about that of course :)

But, for now, the products are:

Buche De Noel Fresh Cleanser by LUSH

So, what can I say? I LOVE this product!! It smells AMAZING! Like marzipan, but not as overpoweringly sweet, which is good! :) It has almonds in it (hence the marzipan) which are ground down and provide really gentle exfoliation; there's also brandy added to stimulate and tone your skin without being harsh and leaving you feeling tight; you've also got fresh mandarins and dried cranberries for gentle exfoliation, nutrient benefits and Christmassy smell.
That last point leads me on to the downside of this product: it's a limited edition Christmas product. What the heck?? I finally find my favourite cleanser/ exfoliator and it's limited edition! Needless to say, I will be stocking up.
I just love the way my skin feels baby soft after using this every morning, without feeling oily AT ALL! I just can't rave enough. Oh, and it's £5.50 for a huge pot of it which I have been using for 3 weeks and I'm not even half way through yet! Win-win.

Celestial Moisturiser by LUSH

Again, it was love al first try. :) this moisturiser contains natural vanilla absolute, cocoa butter, almond oil and almond milk which give it both it's yummy smell and soothing properties. It is great for sensitive skin, dry or combination skin, but I wouldn't recommend it for oily skin, simply because I think it would be too rich for you. However, it does sink into your skin really quickly and makes it feel immediately hydrated. I also find it gives my skin a gorgeous glow and makes a fabulous, smooth base for my makeup. It costs £10.25 for a pot, but so far, I'm finding I hardly need any to cover my face. I looked up reviews which claimed it lasted much longer than their normal moisturiser, but I will keep you updated on how long it does actually last for me.

Overall, this combination of products has worked wonders for my skin! I did a 4 day trial when I went on holiday of wearing no makeup (yes, me!) and using these morning and night and ALL my spots cleared up! My skin was completely smooth, no bumps, dry patches or spots! I was amazed. Unfortunately, come Monday morning, the slap came back and so have a couple of spots and bumps, but much less than before, so it's still a win, I think! I hope you enjoyed this post, see you soon in my October Favourites Video, hopefully going up tomorrow! :D


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