Saturday, 25 September 2010


Hey Everyone!

I know, I know... 5 months. Oops! But I'm back now, and here is where everything is *hopefully* going to kick off!

As those of you who are subscribed to my rather dormant YouTube channel will know, I am going to be posting my first video.... NEXT FRIDAY!! Woop Woop! :D And for those of you who don't know me beyond YouTube, this is a BIG thing for me. I have been pestering my parents for over 2 years to let me make videos with me in; and finally I can! :D

So this was just an update to let you know about that, and about the fact that I will TRY and blog at least once a week. :D The posts will either be on me, stuff I haven't had time to make a video about, or cooking. :)

Oh, that was something I wanted to ask you! I watched Julie And Julia last week and it got me thinking: A Food Blog. What do you guys think? Would you be interested in reading another blog by me about cooking, or should I stick to the occasional food-related post on here? Food is important to me btw, not JUST because I love to eat, but also because I'm Coeliac and I would LOVE to think that maybe another Coeliac (besides you, Kayla, you're the one who teaches ME to do with us :P) read my recipes and thought 'ooh'. :)

But enough rambling, see you guys in 6 days :P
